12 Last-Minute Holiday DIY Ideas

Did the Holidays Sneak Up on You This Year? The holidays have a way of seeming ages away only to pop up on the calendar the following week. While you may have had big plans to go all out decorating your home with festive decor, baking enough cookies to feed a small army, and finding … Read more

8 Ways to Help Lower Energy Costs

When it comes to saving money, you might not realize there are simple adjustments you can make in your home right now to help you save big on your energy bills. Continue reading below to learn about eight ways to help lower your energy costs!&nbsp;1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <!–[endif]–>Check Seals on Windows, Doors, and Appliances One way to … Read more

Preparing Your Home for Winter

The winter brings some wonderful things: beautiful natural scenery, cozy clothing, fuzzy blankets and holiday spirit. But winter in New York is perhaps best known for cold and brutal weather conditions.     Preparing your home for the colder months ahead of time can save you headaches later. The last thing you’ll want to deal with … Read more

What Is an Insurance Score?

  Learn More About Insurance Scores, How They Affect Your Premiums, and How to Raise Your Score.   While most people are aware of what a credit score is and have a general idea of how it is calculated, fewer people understand what an insurance score is and how it impacts their premiums.   What … Read more

Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter Weather

Winter Weather in New York is Inevitable. Read These Tips to Best Prepare Your Vehicle for Slippery Conditions.   If you’ve experienced a winter in the northeast, then you know how challenging driving can be. Between black ice, slush, snow flurries and blizzards, there is much to be alert to while hitting the road during … Read more

What Is Cyber Insurance? – NYCM Insurance Blog

Unfortunately cyber attacks and data breaches can affect anyone, and business owners are uniquely at risk of being attacked as the keepers of sensitive employee and customer information. Every day cyber criminals attempt to gain access to personal and confidential businesses both large and small through a variety of ransomware, phishing, remote access, and other … Read more